World Diabetes Day - Situation of diabetes in Peru

World Diabetes Day - Situation of diabetes in Peru

World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14 of each year with the aim of raising awareness about this chronic disease and promoting actions for its prevention and control. In the case of Peru, this date takes on special relevance, as the country faces significant challenges in relation to diabetes and its complications.

Situation of diabetes in Peru

Diabetes is a public health problem in Peru , with a constantly increasing prevalence. According to the International Diabetes Federation, it is estimated that in 2021 there were approximately 2.4 million people living with diabetes in the country. In addition, it is estimated that there is a considerable number of undiagnosed people.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in Peru , and it is closely associated with risk factors such as obesity, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, and genetic predisposition. In addition, limited access to quality healthcare services, lack of awareness of the disease, and socioeconomic challenges contribute to the burden of diabetes in the country.

Prevention and Control

Facing diabetes in Peru requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the prevention and control of the disease. Some of the key measures being implemented in the country are:

World Diabetes Day in Peru

World Diabetes Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the disease and mobilize society in the fight against diabetes in Peru . During this day, various activities are carried out at the national level, such as:

Awareness campaigns: Awareness campaigns are carried out in the media, on social networks and in public places to inform the population about the importance of prevention, early diagnosis and control of diabetes.

Community events: Health fairs, educational talks and sports activities are organized in different communities to bring information about diabetes and provide disease detection services.

Training of health professionals: Workshops and refresher courses are held for doctors, nurses and other health professionals, in order to improve the quality of care and management of diabetes.

Testimonials and experiences: Testimonials from people living with diabetes and coping experiences are shared with the aim of inspiring others and raising awareness about the challenges and possibilities of living a fulfilling life with the disease.

It is essential that both the government, health professionals and society in general unite in the fight against diabetes, implementing effective policies and actions to address the challenges associated with this disease. With a comprehensive approach and the commitment of all, it is possible to move towards a future in which diabetes is controlled and people live healthy and fulfilling lives.


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