7 tips to create an incredible podcast

7 tips to create an incredible podcast

Put on your headphones and look on your favorite platform for that voice that awakens the eternal laughs that make your belly hurt, or that lead you to rethink your fears and deepest ideas; put play, and let yourself go.

The podcast It is a format that was introduced into our lives almost without our realizing it and that is gaining more and more ground every time. It is that in this time where we are doing a thousand things at the same time, the voice on the other side of the headphones, accompanies us and allows us to listen to stories, reflections and ideas, without neglecting the activities of our daily life.

Internet and Social Networks, allowed all voices to have reach, which in other times, were unthinkable. The decentralization of communication in the media is a fact. A fact that we can use to make ourselves heard and let our voices take on even more relevance . Are you ready to get your voice out to the whole world?

1. Think of a story

Create a podcast

Your voice is worth it, just like anyone else's, and if you have something to tell on top of it, there are no excuses to stop you from being part of this revolution. Find a podcast course that gives you the tools to edit and shape it, and get to work.

You already have a mind an idea, now how do you know it's a good one? The important thing is that you love it . When it comes to sitting down to talk about a topic, there are two things that are very evident to a listener. First of all, if you are knowledgeable, please never, never choose something that you only play by ear. Second, you have to enjoy it.

Passion is contagious, and this field is no exception. You have to stay calm, as they say in some places in Latin America: "There is always a broken for a ripped". There are many people who will also enjoy that idea.

In conclusion, it has to be a theme that you enjoy and that allows you to be fluid and natural. A good test is that you record yourself talking about him, if you manage to do it for more than 30 minutes, you can say that you are on the right track.

2. Create a brand

In this world where everything is so superfluous and fast, creating a brand that identifies you and your product is a challenge that, if achieved, can be the trigger for your fame. Therefore, it is not something you should take lightly. 

Creating a brand does not mean just designing a logo. It is the creation of the entire identity of the product. Name, logo, tone with which you will speak, recipients, keywords, proposal and representation.

Everything has to be memorable and memorable . What identifies you? Is it flashy? Is it related to the central theme? Does it represent what you are going to offer your audience? It is original?

3. Identify how and to whom you are going to talk


This point is very important. It is clear that it will not be the same if you target a purely male audience, or if you opt for older ages. Much will depend on the topic, but the same will depend on your interest.

In addition, you can choose that your product is accompanied by video. It is a good option since it can capture the interest of more people, but you should not lose the north. It has to be canned where the audio continues to work on its own.

Try to commit to a calendar with dates and times . This will give your audience the ability to coordinate and accommodate your program, and not have to always be waiting for when your surprise appearance will be.

As for the extension, you should also standardize it . The ideal is to opt for short chapters of 30 min . You can reach 50, but try not to exceed yourself, nowadays, it is very difficult for people to keep their attention for so long on one thing.

4. Organize your content

Sometimes if the subject is very fascinating to you, it can play against a lack of organization. The words will come out like a waterfall and the ideas will pile up and lose logic for all those who are not in your head at that moment.

Divide the topic on a calendar and make concept maps to organize the development of the program. In addition, they will serve as a memory aid in the event of any lapses or deconcentration when you are ON AIR.

This does not mean that you put together a closed script that you have to stick to. Nothing is further from that! In any podcast course they will tell you the same thing: improvisation will be your best ally, but organization will go hand in hand and will allow you not to lose the thread of the central axis.

Based on this, the content is important, yes, it is true. But in this type of format there are many things that complement it and that fight its prominence. For example, your personality, the flow of the topics or the conversation (if the speakers are more than one), etc.

5. Record and edit, record and edit and never stop

This is perhaps the most technical and "complex" part of the process. For this reason, it is important that you review the contents of the space in which you are going to train. A good podcast course should teach you the necessary tools and their handling, so that you can do it yourself.

It is not expensive to make a podcast. You can make great home-made content, without having to go to a recording studio. But it will be essential that you have a quality microphone. Then you can choose different tools such as virtual meeting rooms, recording and editing programs or broadcast platforms.

There are them of all types, color, shape and complexity. Investigate and jump into the ring. The first ones will be horrible, take it for granted. But, practice makes perfect. You will improve program by program.

6. Do your best to earn money

Yes, believe it or not, there are ways to take advantage of podcasts. You can choose to look for sponsors and advertising, although try not to fill it with them , otherwise the public will be bored and will leave as fast as they will have arrived.

Also, it is a good option to use the podcast to promote your personal brand so that people can access your services . We are not saying sell on your show, please don't! Rather, you "sell" yourself and this leads them to want to consume you in other areas.

7. Spread and grow your audience

Don't forget to share and spread your content. Although the internet is available to everyone, if you do not make it known, it will hardly happen by magic. Create a profile on networks , share your podcast with friends and ask for a recommendation. If everything goes according to plan, it will reach a lot of people quickly.

If your content is attractive, original, interesting and engaging, it will only be a matter of giving it the initial push, then its growth will be constant. But creating this community of followers is not something minor . Find the tools to make them part and convince them to stay with you one more chapter.

The world of the podcast is a wide range that does not stop treading, increasingly stronger, in Peru and around the world. Take advantage of it, raise your voice, tell what you think can give value and interest the other. After all, what do you have to lose?


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